Important Information
Bowling Leagues Attendence Policy
Participation in the SJHA competitive bowling is a commitment that is expected to be honored. Because we are human and sometimes we absolutely can not make it, we have put something in place so teammates do not miss out on scoring due to absences
Pre bowling and Post Bowling: These are the options for when you can’t make it.
Pre bowling is coming to the bowling alley on a day prior to the Thursday which you will be absent. When you come you will bowl 3 games, record the scores on the sheet provided by the front desk and submit those scores to the front desk. They will enter those scores in the computer to be added to your teams scores on the day you are not there.
Post bowling is the same as pre bowling except you will come bowl your games on a different day following the Thursday you were not in attendance. Post bowling must be completed no later than the Wednesday before the next Thursday bowling session.
****Please call the bowling alley before arriving to pre bowl to ensure lane availability****
Mornings and early afternoons generally work best for this. Most evenings there are leagues and lanes will not be available.
Bowling league safety procedures
The most important for safety are these two things.
1 lane Courtesy and Food and Drinks must be kept off the floors
1 lane courtesy: wait off of the lane until the bowlers to your right and left are done before you step up to take your turn. This avoids walking into others on the lane, bowling balls accidentally hitting the person next to you and more.
Food and Drinks: When food and drinks find shoe soles it becomes an injury hazard. It’s causes shoes to stick on the lanes which can cause severe injury. Please be very cautious with food and drinks to ensure it doesn’t get on the floor. The link below explains some more about bowling safety.
What is a handicap?
This is a calculation that is used to level the playing field for all bowlers. The goal should be to come in each week and bowl your average. For example, if your avg is 50, as long as you avg 50 or more that day you have a good opportunity beat your opponent if your opponent does not meet their avg on that day. The link below explains the calculation.
Scoring & Bowler averages
Scoring in Bowling
Bowling Average
This is a calculation that averages the total number of pins you knock down throughout the season. The link below explains it well.
Strike pot and strike pot consent!
Weekly Strike Pot Entry
$1 for 1 ticket
$2 for 3 tickets
$3 for 5 tickets
How this works:
Purchased tickets will be mixed up in a bucket. The person who has the winning ticket will have the opportunity to roll a strike or spare in the 7th frame of game 3. If the winner rolls a strike, they win the money. If they don’t get a strike but get the spare, they win the money. If they don’t get a strike or a spare, the money will roll over into the next week’s drawing. The money will continue to compound until there is a winner. Then the pot will restart. Parent must approve their child’s participation.