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Back-to-School Sign! To Publications / Articles - Back-to-School Sign!

Posted 8/11/24
Amanda Arnold

The new school year is just around the corner, and we know how exciting (and maybe a little nerve-wracking) this time can be. One of the best ways to kick off the school year is with a fun and personalized photo op that you’ll cherish for years to come. That’s why we’re thrilled to share our FREE, customizable Back-to-School Sign with you!

What’s Included?

Our printable sign features the following customizible fields:

  • Your child's name
  • Your child's grade
  • The date
  • Your child's age

How to Use It:

  1. Prepare: Confirm that you have adobe acrobat reader on your computer (it's free). Download here.

  2. Download the Sign: From your computer, click the link below to download your free customizable Back-to-School Sign. Note this is NOT a mobile friendly process. 

  3. Open: Open the sign in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  4. Customize and Print: Fill in the placeholder text with your child's unique information, then print your sign!

  5. Snap the Photo: Grab your camera or smartphone, and take a fun first-day-of-school photo with your child holding their sign.

  6. Celebrate and Share: Post the photo on social media or keep it in your family album to look back on in the years to come. Tag South Jersey Homeschool Association so we can see it!

Download Your Sign Here: [Back-to-School Sign PDF] 

We hope this sign helps you make your back-to-school experience even more special.

Happy School Year!